Shipping is extremely competitive and demands high standards across its entire range of activities, be it ship-management or chartering and participants, be it a ship-agent or a broker.  We make sure that we meet head on these requirements as ship-managers, chartering brokers and ship-agents relying primarily on our human resources.  Our team members are well educated and experienced to handle on one hand the day to day hard routine and on the other hand the case that calls for immediate response and efficient action.

We consider the human element the backbone of our group and we will continuously evolve and grow counting on the proficiency of each one of our individuals which makes for a strong united team and a group of shipping companies to reckon with.

We are steadfast on the principles of respect to human life, environment and property, we value integrity and enjoy the healthy competition.  We appreciate the traditional trademarks of shipping, however we are aware of the ever-changing settings and respond in advance and with innovative but practical ideas.